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Canada commemorates 1985 Air India flight-182 blast | International News

Canada commemorates 1985 Air India flight-182 blast | International News

Canada commemorates 1985 Air India flight-182 blast | International News

Let's move on now Canadian member of Parliament Sandra Ariana, the victims of the Air India Flight one A two who lost their lives after a bomb placed by a group of Canadian extremists exploded midair over the Atlantic Ocean, killing 329 people.

On June 2013 1985. A group of Canadian extremists planted a bomb on board the Air India Flight 18 To the flight was a regularly scheduled Air India flight between Montreal,

London, Delhi and Mumbai. The aircraft was cruising at an altitude of 31,000 ft. All 3 29 passengers and crew members were killed, marking making the bombing of the flight the worst mass killing in Canadian history.

The passengers and crew included 268 Canadian citizens, 27 British and 20 for Indians. The terrorist attack was the deadliest in history until the 9 11 incident in New York.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also paid a tribute and remember the victims. In his statement, he extended his condolences and sympathies to the families and friends who lost their loved ones and are currently living with pain and trauma caused by acts of violence.


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